We’re changing the way we display videos!

Here at Orango, we are trying to make video a big part of the teacher introduction profile, and encourage all of our teachers to add video to their profile.

Due to the expanding number of videos on our small server, our videos were starting to lag really badly, so we’ve made the decision to host on a non-public platform on YouTube.

That means that our videos load and play much faster with hardly any lag. It’s a much better experience for our students.

Wait, does that mean anybody can see my videos on Youtube!?”

No, we have set all YouTube hosted teacher profile videos to unlisted. That means they won’t appear on The Orango YouTube page and they won’t be recommended to anybody by YouTube nor will they appear in any YouTube search. Only by typing in the URL can people access unlisted video. More info on Googles YouTube Settings page here

Adding video is a great way to advertise yourself to potential students

You can add video to your profile any time, by logging in to your profile and selecting ‘add / update video….’

Go on, add some video to your profile today…


OrangoTeacher.com is a website which matches private language teachers with private language students in Japan. We bloggers try to write useful information for language teachers currently teaching in Japan.

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